â–· Content Marketing Agency | Toucan Insights | Amsterdam
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Marketing Agency

What is content marketing, and how can it help your business thrive?


Content marketing focuses on creating helpful and valuable pieces of information for your target consumers on the marketing platforms where you have a presence.


The key is to know what type of content marketing pieces you need to create and for what platforms. Moreover, understanding the type of content that your target audience is searching for is of utmost importance in order to create a successful strategy.


Being in the right place at the right time really pays off. Especially in the case of small businesses looking for effective content marketing strategies and where resources tend to be more limited.


How can Toucan Insights help you with your content marketing?


No matter the industry in which your company operates, you must create and share valuable content to increase brand awareness and position yourself as an authority in your industry.


Showcasing what you do and how you do it is key for potential clients to better understand your products or services and how you can help them. Some known content marketing methods include articles, captions or images for social media, infographics, videos, and games, among others.


At Toucan Insights, our content marketing team analyzes the market and industry in which your company operates and then matches this with the keywords that your target audience is using to look for businesses and services like yours. By doing this, we create the right content marketing for your business so your target audience can find your services online.


In this sense, publishing updated content on a regular basis will help your target audience find your business and services online, thus boosting your business' top-of-mind awareness. Additionally, we will be improving your SEO and positioning in Google's search results by incorporating other technical aspects into the strategy.

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